In 1978, when the farmhouse was completely refurbished, the window openings were enlarged and fitted with new aluminium windows. At that time, these were the most advanced windows available on the market. Some of these windows were fitted with double glazing in later years, further improving the comfort of the house. However, these windows still fall some way short of what is expected in the 21st century, and that is why we are replacing them with 'A' rated windows. In a house with 19, yes nineteen, windows it is impractical, and expensive, to replace them all at once, so we are doing it in 3 stages. 7 of the windows in the rear of the house were replace in January 2011, and 8 more have been ordered for the front rooms of the house this week. This will just leave the sunroom to be completed at a later date.
Once these windows are installed the house will be an even mor comfortable place for a cosy winter break!